Interrupt 22h   Terminate Address                       

     This interrupt transfers control  to  the  far (dword) address at
     this  interrupt location when an application program  terminates.
     The  default  address  for  this  interrupt  is  0:0088h  through
     0:008Bh.  This  address  is  copied  into  the  program's Program
     Segment Prefix at bytes  0Ah  through 0Dh at the time the segment
     is  created  and  is  restored  from  the  PSP when  the  program
     terminates. The calling program  is  normally  COMMAND.COM  or an
     application. Do not issue  this  interrupt  directly, as the EXEC
     function call does this for you. If an application spawns a child
     process, it must set the Terminate Address prior  to  issuing the
     EXEC function call, otherwise when the second  program terminated
     it would return to the calling program's Terminate Address rather
     than its own. This address may be set with int 21, function 25h.

See Also INT/23h INT/24h

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