PSP Layout 00h 2 BYTEs Program exit point (CDh / 20h = INT 20h) 02h WORD Segment address of top of programs memory 04h BYTE Unused 05h 5 BYTEs CP/M entry point 0Ah DWORD Terminate address (old INT 22h) 0Eh DWORD Break address (old INT 23h) 12h DWORD Critical error handler (old INT 24h) 16h WORD Parent PSP segment 18h 20 BYTEs DOS 2+ open file table, FFh = unused 2Ch WORD DOS 2+ environment segment 2Eh DWORD Process's SS:SP 32h WORD DOS 3.x max open files 34h DWORD DOS 3.x open file table address 38h DWORD SHARE's previous PSP 3Ch 20 BYTEs Unused 50h 3 BYTEs DOS function dispatcher (FAR routine) 53h 9 BYTEs Unused 5Ch 16 BYTEs FCB #1, filled in from first commandline argument 6Ch 20 BYTEs FCB #2, filled in from second commandline argument 80h BYTE Command tail counter / Default DTA buffer 81h 127 BYTEs Commant tail / Default DTA buffer |