Disk Transfer Area                              

    Undocumented (DOS Reserved) Fields

        00h     BYTE    Attribute used for the Search
        01h     BYTE    Drive used for the search
        02h  11 BYTEs   File name used for the search
        0Dh     WORD    Directory entry number (zero based)
        0Fh     DWORD   Reserved
        13h     WORD    Starting cluster of current directory (0=root)

    Documented (DOS Return) Fields

        15h     BYTE    Attribute of found file
        16h     WORD    File time
        18h     WORD    File date
        1Ah     DWORD   File size
        1Eh  13 BYTEs   ASCIIZ file name and extension

Notes:  * Fields of DTA change dependent upon function call in progress

        * The DTA cannot span a 64K segment boundary

        * For compatibility with CP/M the default DTA is at offset 80h
          in the PSP;  this area is also used for the command tail. To
          avoid collision, set another DTA (INT 21h/1Ah) or preserve the
          command tail before using FCB function calls

        * Some documentation has the STARTING CLUSTER at address 0Fh
          instead of 13h ???

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .