DCB (System File Table Device Control Block) Format              

        00h     DWORD   Pointer to next file table
        04h     WORD    Number of files in this table

        Thereafter, 35h bytes per file as follows:

            00h     WORD    Number of file handles referring to this file
            02h     BYTE    Access mode (see function 3Dh)
            03h     WORD    ???
            05h     WORD    Device info word (see function 44h/AL=00h)
            07h     DWORD   Pointer to device driver header if character
                            device, pointer to DOS Device Control Block
                            if block device (see func 32h for layout)
            0Bh     WORD    Starting cluster of file
            0Dh     WORD    File time in packed format
            0Fh     WORD    File date in packed format
            11h     DWORD   File size
            15h     DWORD   Current offset in file

            19h     WORD    ???
            1Bh     WORD    Last cluster read
            1Dh   3 BYTEs   ???
            20h  11 BYTEs   Filename in FCB format (no path, no period,
            2Bh   6 BYTEs   Unused??? I see 0 always
            31h     WORD    PSP segment of file's owner
            33h     WORD    Unused??? I see 0 always

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .