List of Lists                                 

    DOS 3.xx and Above

       -08h     DWORD   Current buffer in BUFFERS= chain
       -04h     WORD    Offset within current buffer

    DOS 2.xx and Above

       -02h     WORD    Segment of first Memory Control Block
        00h     DWORD   Pointer to first Drive Parameter Block
        04h     DWORD   Pointer to first DCB (system file table)
        08h     DWORD   Pointer to CLOCK$ device driver
        0Ch     DWORD   Pointer to CON device driver

    DOS 2.xx Only

        10h     BYTE    Number of Logical Drives
        11h     WORD    Maximum bytes per sector on any block device
        13h     DWORD   Pointer to start of disk buffer chain
        17h             Begining of NUL device driver

    DOS 3.xx and Above

        10h     WORD    Maximum bytes per sector on any block device
        12h     DWORD   Pointer to start of disk buffer chain
        16h     DWORD   Pointer to logical drive table
        1Ah     DWORD   Pointer to start of DOS's FCB chain
        1Eh     WORD    Number of FCB's to keep when swapping
        20h     BYTE    Number of block devices
        21h     BYTE    Number of logical drives (default=5, or LASTDRIVE=)
        22h             Beginning of NUL device driver

    DOS 4.xx

        12h     DWORD   Changed to pointer to EMS link record, which in
                        turn points to start of disk buffer chain

                             Logical Drive Table                              

        00h   2 BYTEs   Actual drive designator and ":"
        02h  65 BYTEs   Current ASCIIZ path for this drive; includes
                        root directory "\"

        43h     WORD    Current status of drive:
Drive Status
Bit Dec Hex  Description
0 1 0001h  Unknown
1 2 0002h
2 4 0004h
3 8 0008h
4 16 0010h
5 32 0020h
6 64 0040h
7 128 0080h
8 256 0100h
9 512 0200h
10 1024 0400h
11 2048 0800h
12 4096 1000h  SUBSTed unit
13 8192 2000h  Unknown
14 16384 4000h  Ready for use
15 32768 8000h  Unknown
        45h     DWORD   Pointer to DOS DPB for drive
        49h     WORD    First cluster of current directory; FFFFh if drive
                        never accessed, 0000h if root directory
        4Bh     WORD    Unknown
        4Dh     WORD    Unknown
        4Fh     WORD    Number of bytes to skip over when reporting
                        directory; 0002h for normal drive, more for a
                        SUBSTed unit

    DOS 4.xx

        51h   7 BYTEs   Unknown, default values of 0

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .