Control File Format                              

Listed below is the general format of a Control File.  The fields preceded
by bullets (::) are fields the application must fill in when creating a
Control File.  Other fields are filled in by the Resident Manager and must
be set to 0 when creating the Control File.  For a receive event, the
Resident Manager fills in all the fields.

The Offset column indicates the offset of the field (in bytes) from the
start of the file.  The Length column indicates the length of the field in
bytes.  The values listed in the Description field are values, not bit
positions.  Multi-byte fields containing numeric, date, or time values have
the least-significant byte first.

When using high-level languages to create a Control File, make sure the
data structures are packed (aligned on byte boundaries).

      Offset   Length Description

::   0    1    Event type:
               0 - Send
               1 - Receive
               2 - Polled Send
               3 - Polled Receive
               4 - Group Send (V1.2)
               5 - Group Polled Receive (V1.2)
               6-127 -  Reserved
               -1 (0FFH) - Serious hardware error not associated with an
                 ordinary event.

Note:     When filling out this field, you must set it to 0, 2,
          3, 4, or 5.  The value 1 is used by the Resident Manager
          when creating a Control File for a receive event.  The value
          -1 is not valid for Control Files and results in an error.

::   1    1    Transfer type:
               0 - 200x200 dpi, fax mode.
               1 - 100x200 dpi, fax mode.
               2 - File transfer mode.
               3-127 - Reserved.

Note:     You must set the Transfer type field to 0, 1, or 2 for
          send events (this field doesn't apply for polled receive or
          group polled receive events).

          For file transfers, the sending Resident Manager supplies
          information from the Control File as a header for the file
          transmission.  The receiving Resident Manager can then use
          this header information to create a Control File for the
          receive event.

     2    2    Status of event:
               0 - Successfully completed.
               1 - Waiting to be processed.
               2 - Number dialed or event in progress.
               3 - Connection made -- sending.
               4 - Connection made -- receiving.
               5 - Event was aborted.
               6-32,767 - Reserved.
               Negative value - Error.

Note:     The Resident Manager ordinarily sets the value in this
          field to indicate the status of the event.  When the Control
          File is created, this field should normally be set to "0."
          (The following information is new for V1.2.)  If the field
          is set to a negative value when the event is submitted (for
          example, if it is set to one of the class 5 error codes),
          the event will be added directly to the Log Queue and will
          not be processed.  (Refer to the section later in this
          section titled "Error Codes.")

::   4    2    Time you want to send the information (used for send events
                 only).  For receive events, this is the time the receive
                 event occurred.  The format is in DOS file date and time

::   6    2    Date you want to send the information (used for send events
                 only).  For receive events, this is the date the receive
                 event occurred.  The format is in DOS file date and time

Note:     Setting both the time and date fields to zero schedules
          the file to be sent immediately.  Therefore, to send a file
          at once, zero the four bytes (long word) at offset 4.

::   8    2    Number of files to transfer (maximum 32766).

::   10   2    Offset in this Control File of first File Transfer Record.

Note:     If you don't plan to include cover page text (described
          at offset 383), this field must specify offset 383.
          Otherwise, this field must specify the offset immediately
          after the cover page text.

::   12   47   Phone number to call (or filename of Group File (V1.2)), as
                 an ASCIIZ string.  For non-group events, place a phone
                 number in this field.  (The following information is new
                 for V1.2.)  For group events, place the filename of the
                 Group File (without specifying the drive or path) in this
                 field.  The Group File must be in the same directory as
                 the Control File for the parent event when the event is

     59   64   Application-specific tag field, as an ASCIIZ string.

Note:     This field is used by applications to identify Control
          Files that are "owned" by that application.  For example,
          when an application creates Control Files, it can fill this
          field with a specific ASCII string.  Later, when it checks
          Control Files, it can check for the same string to ensure
          that it handles only the Control Files that apply to it.  If
          a file is received as a file transfer this field will have
          meaning in the Control File for the receive event.  If a
          file is received as a fax, this field will be filled with

     123  1    Reserved.  Set to zero.

     124  1    Time length of phone connection: seconds (0 - 59).  Has no
                 meaning for parent Control Files.

     125  1    Time length of phone connection: minutes (0-59).  Has no
                 meaning for parent Control Files.

     126  1    Time length of phone connection: hours (0-23.)  Has no
                 meaning for parent Control Files.

     127  4    Total number of pages in all files.  Has no meaning for
                 parent Control Files.

     131  4    Number of pages transmitted so far.  Has no meaning for
                 parent Control Files.

     135  2    Number of files transmitted so far.  Has no meaning for
                 parent Control Files.

::   137  1    Cover page flag:
               0 - Don't send cover page.
               1 - Send cover page.
               2-127 - Reserved.

Note:     If you plan to send only a cover page, set this field
          to 1 and the number of files to transfer (offset 8) to 0.
          Setting both fields to 0 results in an error.

     138  2    Number of transmission errors reported by the hardware for
                 all transmissions controlled by this Control File.  Has no
                 meaning for parent Control Files.

::   140  1    Delete files flag (V1.2).  Determines whether or not the
                 files listed in the File Transfer Records (FTRs) are
                 deleted after the event is completed.  (The FTR use and
                 format is describe later in this specification in the
                 section titled "File Transfer Record (FTR).")
               0 - Don't delete files after event
               1 - Delete files if successful
               2 - Always delete files after event
               3-127 - Reserved.

Note:     This field is valid in a Control File for event types 0
          (send), 2 (polled send), and 4 (group send).

          If the event type is a group send and the value of the
          delete files flag is 1 (delete if successful), the files
          will only be deleted if all sub-events have been
          successfully completed.  If the event is a group send and
          the value of the flag is 2 (always delete), the files will
          be deleted after all sub-events have been attempted.

          If the delete files flag is set to 2 (always delete), the
          files will always be deleted whether the event is
          successful, cancelled by the user, or aborted during
          transmission due to line or board errors.

     141  2    Event handle for parent event (V1.2).  The Resident Manager
                 assigns this handle.  Initialize to zero.  This handle is
                 zero if there is no parent event.

     143  53   Reserved.  Set to zero.

     196  20   Available for internal use by CAS implementations (V1.2).
                 Set to zero.  This field is available for CAS
                 implementations to use for internal flags and other

     216  1    Cover page read flag (V1.2).  Initialize to zero.  The
                 application can use CAS function 17H to set this field to
                 indicate whether or not the user has read the cover page.
               0 - cover page not read
               1 - cover page read
               2-127 - reserved

::   217  1    Suppress Page Headers (V1.2).  This field only has meaning
                 for faxes.  Setting this field to 1 causes the line of fax
                 addressing information at the top of each fax page to be
               0 - Page Headers
               1 - No Page Headers
               2-127 - reserved

     218  21   Remote CSID (the CCITT identification of the fax device), as
                 an ASCIIZ string (set by the Resident Manager).  Set to

::   239  32   Destination Name, as an ASCIIZ string (To: field).

::   271  32   Sender Name, as an ASCIIZ string (From: field).

::   303  80   Path and name of PCX logo file (maximum size 1728 x 800
                 pels), as an ASCIIZ string.  A fully qualified pathname
                 for the file (including the drive) must be entered.

::   383  var  Cover page text, as an ASCIIZ string.  The length is
                 variable, as indicated by var, but a maximum of 36 lines
                 of text is recommended (or else the received page might be
                 longer than 11 inches).  Lines can be separated by new
                 line characters (0AH) or CR-LF pairs (0DH, 0AH).  Lines
                 longer than 80 characters are wrapped around.

Note:     The text field is not required to be present.  If it is
          absent, the first File Transfer Record (FTR) must start at
          offset 383.  In all cases, the field at offset 10 identifies
          the start of the first FTR.

::   var  var  Table of 128-byte File Transfer Records (FTRs). The first
                 FTR begins at the offset specified by the word at offset
                 10 of the Control File.  The following section describes
                 the format of each FTR.

See Also Group Event fields in the Control File Error Codes

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .