Control File Fields With Special Meanings for Group Events (V1.2)       

If the event type for a Control File is 4 (Group Send) or 5 (Group Polled
Receive), the fields shown below for the parent event's Control File have
the following functions:

     Ofs  Len  Description

     1    1    Transfer Type.  Not used for group events.  The transfer
                 type for each member event is defined in the group file.
     12   47   Filename of Group File.  ASCIIZ string that must be a DOS
                 filename.  Do not give the path.  This file must be in the
                 same the directory as the parent Control File when the
                 group event is submitted.
     239  32   Destination Name, ASCIIZ string.  For group events, this
                 field can contain a group identifier (or it can be left

See Also File Transfer Record Error Codes

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