File Transfer Record (FTR)                          

Listed below is the general format of a File Transfer Record.  These
records appear at the end of the Control File, one for each file that is
transferred as part of the event.  Fields preceded by bullets (::) are
fields the programmer must fill in when creating an FTR.  Other fields are
filled in by the Resident Manager software and should be set to 0 when
creating the FTR.  When creating an FTR for a file transfer, specify only
the file name.  When creating an FTR for a fax, you must also specify the
file type, text size, and page length fields.  In both cases, set the other
fields to zero.

Each FTR has the following format:

      Offset   Length Description

::   0    1    File type (has meaning only for faxes):
               0 - ASCII
               1 - PCX
               2 - DCX
               3-15 Reserved
               16-31 - (V1.2) Reserved for printer file formats.  At this
                 time, code 16 is assigned to the HP PCL Level IV file
                 format and code 17 is assigned to the Epson FX85 format.
                 These codes are optional and may not be supported by all
                 CAS implementations.
               32-127 - Reserved

::   1    1    Text size to use if file type is ASCII (has meaning only for
               0 - 80 column by 66 lines (11 inches)
               1 - 132 column by 88 lines (11 inches)
               2-127 - Reserved

     2    1    Status of this file:
               0 - Untouched
               1 - Has been opened
               2 - Has been moved
               3 - Has been deleted
               4 - Not yet received
               5-127 - Reserved

     3    4    Bytes of this file transmitted so far.  Has no meaning for
                 parent Control Files.

     7    4    Size in bytes of this file.

     11   2    Number of pages in this file transmitted so far.  Has no
                 meaning for parent Control Files.

     13   2    Number of pages in this file.

::   15   80   Path and name of file to send, as an ASCIIZ string.  A fully
                 qualified pathname for the file (including the drive) must
                 be entered.

::   95   1    If you set the Inches field (offset 96) to a value in the
                 range 1 through 127, this field specifies the number of
                 additional 1/8-inch increments in page length.  If the
                 Inches field is outside that range, this field has no
                 meaning.  This field has meaning only for faxes.

::   96   1    Page length in inches (has meaning only for faxes).
               0 -    Page length is 11 inches.
               1-127 -  Page length is the specified number of inches, plus
                 the number of 1/8 inches specified in the 1/8 inches field
                 (offset 95).
               (-1) - ASCII pages end with form feeds only.
               All other values are reserved.

::   97   31   Reserved.  Set to zero.

See Also Group File Format Error Codes

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .