Disk Ready
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                            Detecting Disk Ready

       Use INT 13 function 4 (Verify Sector) to check ready for read

       Check for error in AH of:

           80h  Time out, or Not Ready
           AAh  Drive not ready
           00h  drive is ready for reading
           other value indicates drive is ready, but an error occurred

       Use INT 13 functions 2 (Read Sector) and 3 (Write Sector) to check
       ready for read/write.   Read sector, test for ready.   Write sector
       back, check for 03h (write protect) or any of the other BIOS disk

       - multiple attempts should be made to allow for disk motor startup
       - allows testing of drive ready bypassing DOS and critical error
       - see  INT 13/2   INT 13/3   INT 13/4  and  INT 13/STATUS

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .