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Int/00hDivide Error
Int/01hSingle Step
Int/02hNMI (Non Maskable Interrupt)
Int/03hSingle Step
Int/05hPrint Screen Key
05hBound Check Failed (80186/80286)
Int/06hUndefined Opcode (80286)
Int/07hNo Math Unit Available (80286)
Int/08hIRQ0 - Timer Interrupt
08hDouble Fault (80286 protected mode)
Int/09hIRQ1 - Keyboard Interrupt
09hMath Unit Protection Fault (80286 protected mode)
Int/0AhIRQ2 - EGA Vertical Retrace
0AhInvalid Task State Segment (80286 protected-mode)
Int/0BhIRQ3 - COM2 Interrupt
0BhNot Present (80286 protected-mode)
Int/0ChIRQ4 - COM1 Interrupt
0ChStack Fault (80286 protected-mode)
Int/0DhIRQ5 - Fixed Disk (PC), LPT2 (AT/PS)
0DhGeneral Protection Violation (80286)
Int/0EhIRQ6 - Diskette Interrupt
0EhPage Fault (80386 native mode)
Int/0FhIRQ7 - Printer Interrupt
Int/10hVideo Interrupt
10hCoprocessor Error (80286/80386)
Int/11hEquipment Determination
Int/12hMemory Size
Int/13hDisk I/O Services
Int/14hSerial I/O Services
Int/15hCassette and Extended Services
Int/16hKeyboard I/O Services
Int/17hPrinter I/O Services
Int/18hTransfer to ROM Basic
Int/19hDisk Boot
Int/1AhSystem Timer and Clock Services
Int/1BhCtrl-Break Key
Int/1ChClock Tick
Int/1Dh6845 Video Init Tables
Int/1EhDiskette Params (Base Table)
Int/1FhGraphics Set 2
Int/20h-3FhSee the separate section in the DOS menu
Int/40hHard disk - Relocated Floppy Handler
Int/41hFixed Disk Parameters
Int/42hEGA/VGA/PS - Relocated (by EGA) Video Handler
42hZ100 - ???
Int/43hEGA/VGA/PS - User font table
Int/44hEGA/VGA/CONV/PS - EGA/PCjr fonts
44hNovell NetWare - High-Level Language API
44hZ100 - ???
Int/45hZ100 - ???
Int/46hSecondary Fixed Disk Params (see INT 41h)
46hZ100 - ???
Int/48hPCjr - Cordless Keyboard Translation
Int/49hPCjr - Non-keyboard Scan Code Translation Table
Int/4AhAT/CONV/PS - User Alarm
Int/50h-57hIRQ0-IRQ7 relocated by DESQview
50h-57hIRQ0-IRQ7 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation
Int/59hGSS Computer Graphics Interface (GSS*CGI)
Int/5AhCluster adapter BIOS entry address
Int/5BhUsed by cluster adapter
Int/5ChNETBIOS Interface
5ChTOPS Interface
Int/60hReserved for user interrupt
60hFTP Driver - PC/TCP Packet Driver Specification
Int/61hReserved for user interrupt
Int/62hReserved for user interrupt
Int/63hReserved for user interrupt
Int/64hReserved for user interrupt
Int/65hReserved for user interrupt
Int/66hReserved for user interrupt
Int/67hLIM / EMS Interrupt - see the separate section
Int/6ChSystem resume vector (Convertible)
6ChDOS 3.2 Realtime Clock update
Int/6DhParadise VGA - internal
Int/6FhNovell NetWare - PCOX API (3270 terminal interface)
6Fh10-NET Interrupt
Int/70hIRQ8 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - Real-Time Clock
Int/71hIRQ9 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - LAN Adapter 1
Int/72hIRQ10 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - Reserved
Int/73hIRQ11 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - Reserved
Int/74hIRQ12 (PS50+) - Mouse Interrupt
Int/75hIRQ13 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - 80287 Error
Int/76hIRQ14 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - Fixed Disk
Int/77hIRQ15 (AT/XT286/PS50+) - Reserved
Int/78hNot used
Int/79hNot used
Int/7AhNovell NetWare - Low-Level API
7AhAutoCAD Device Interface
Int/7BhNot used
Int/7ChNot used
Int/7DhNot used
Int/7EhNot used
Int/7FhNot used
Int/80hReserved for Basic
Int/81hReserved for Basic
Int/82hReserved for Basic
Int/83hReserved for Basic
Int/84hReserved for Basic
Int/85hReserved for Basic
Int/86hRelocated (by NETBIOS) INT 18
86h-F0hUsed by Basic while in interpreter
Int/E0hCP/M-86 function calls
Int/E4hLogitech Modula v2.0 - MonitorEntry
E4hLogitech Modula v2.0 - MonitorExit
Int/EFhGEM - Interface
Int/F0hUsed by Basic while in interpreter
Int/F1hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F2hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F3hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F4hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F5hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F6hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F7hReserved for user interrupt
Int/F8h10 ms Interval Timer (Tandy???)
Int/F9hReserved for user interrupt
Int/FAhUSART Ready (RS-232C) (TANDY???)
Int/FBhUSART Rx Ready (keyboard) (TANDY???)
Int/FChReserved for user interrupt
Int/FDhReserved for user interrupt
Int/FEhAT/XT286/PS50+ - destroyed by return from prot mode
Int/FFhAT/XT286/PS50+ - destroyed by return from prot mode
FFhZ100 - Warm Boot

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .