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0040h:0000hCOM1 Base Port Address
0040h:0002hCOM2 Base Port Address
0040h:0004hCOM3 Base Port Address
0040h:0006hCOM4 Base Port Address
0040h:0008hLPT1 Base Port Address
0040h:000AhLPT2 Base Port Address
0040h:000ChLPT3 Base Port Address
0040h:000EhLPT4 Base Port Address
0040h:0010hEquipment List
0040h:0012hPOST Status
0040h:0013hBase Memory Size
0040h:0015hBattery Status
0040h:0017hKeyboard Shift Status
0040h:0018hKeyboard Extended Shift Status
0040h:0019hAlternate Keyboard Entry
0040h:001AhKeyboard Buffer Head Pointer
0040h:001ChKeyboard Buffer Tail Pointer
0040h:001EhKeyboard Buffer
0040h:003EhDiskette Drive Recalibrate Status
0040h:003FhDiskette Drive Motor Status
0040h:0040hMotor Off Counter
0040h:0041hLast Diskette Drive Operation Status
0040h:0042hDiskette Drive Controller Status Information
0040h:0049hDisplay Mode
0040h:004AhNumber of Columns in Current Mode
0040h:004ChLength of Regen Buffer
0040h:004EhStarting Address of Regen Buffer
0040h:0050hCursor Positions for all Pages
0040h:0060hCursor Start and End Scan Lines
0040h:0062hCurrent Display Page
0040h:0063hCRT Controller Base Address
0040h:0065hCurrent Setting of the Mode Control Register
0040h:0066hCurrent Setting of the Color Select Register
0040h:0067hCassette / RAM Expansion
0040h:006ChTimer Counter
0040h:0070hTimer Overflow Flag
0040h:0071hBreak Key State
0040h:0072hReset State Flag
0040h:0074hLast Fixed Disk Operation Status
0040h:0075hNumber of Fixed Disks
0040h:0078hTime Out Values for Parallel Printers
0040h:007ChTime Out Values for RS 232 Comms Lines
0040h:0080hKeyboard Buffer Start Offset Pointer
0040h:0082hKeyboard Buffer End Offset Pointer
0040h:0084hNumber of Rows on Display, minus 1
0040h:0085hCharacter Height
0040h:008BhDiskette Media Control
0040h:008ChFixed Disk Controller Status
0040h:008DhFixed Disk Controller Error Status
0040h:008EhFixed Disk Interrupt Control
0040h:0090hDiskette Drive 0 Media State
0040h:0091hDiskette Drive 1 Media State
0040h:0094hDrive 0 Current Track
0040h:0095hDrive 1 Current Track
0040h:0096hKeyboard Status and Type Flags
0040h:0097hKeyboard LED Status
0040h:0098hPointer to User Wait Complete Flag
0040h:009ChUser Wait Counter
0040h:00A0hWait Active Flag
0040h:00A8hPointer to EGA Parameters
0040h:00F0hIntra Applications Communications Area (ICA)
0050h:0000hPrint Screen Status
0050h:0004hPhantom Drive Status
F000h:FFF0hFar Jump to POST
F000h:FFF5hROM BIOS Release Date
F000h:FFFEhSystem Model ID

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .