Recording Procedure                              

    * SET_START    (02h)      Segment address of beginning of memory area
                              allocated to recording.

    * SET_END      (03h)      Segment address of end of memory area allocated
                              to recording.

    * RECORD_BEEP  (1Ch)      Whether or not to play a beep on the line at
                              the beginning of the recording.

    * END_BEEP     (20h)      Whether or not to play a beep on the line when
                              the defined memory area is exhausted.

    * RECORD_LINE  (1Dh)      Set speaker channel to telephone line so that
                              recording from the line can be heard.

    * RECORD       (06h)      Start Recording.

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .