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00h/00hGet Log-on Information Table
00h/01hGet Disk Drive Mapping Information Table
00h/02hGet Shareable Printers Information Table
00h/05hGet Number of Local Drives
04h/00hGet default File Protection Attributes
04h/01hSet default File Protection Attributes
80hSends a message to the desired station
82hGet station address
91hGet station no of current File Server
97hGet TopWare Max station number
98hGet TopWare Max file number
9AhEnable to receive USER defined packets
B2hSet begin-of-job formfeed for single spool files on/off
B3hGet the begin of job formfeed default for spooling file
B4hSet the begin of job formfeed default for spooling file
BBhGet mapping for network Printer Server station address
BChMapping Network Printer Servers
BDhGet Current AutoPrint Time
BEhSet AutoPrint Time
BFhSet end of job formfeed on/off for single spooling file
C0hGet end of job formfeed default for spooling files
C1hSet end of job formfeed default for spooling file
C2hGet copies of spooling file default
C3hGet share status of Printer Server
C4hSet single file print head on/off
C5hChange single file print count
C6hSet print file head default on/off
C7hSet new print copies default
C8hGet default for status of spooling file head on/off
C9hSet printer share on/off
CAhChange the file from one Print Server to another
CBhDelete file in the spooling queue
CChGet status of one printer server's spooling queue
CDhGet status of all printer server
D6hGet TopWare Serial No
D7hGet TopWare Read/Write protection flag
DAh/00hGet Public File Attributes
DAh/01hSet Public File Read Attributes
DAh/02hSet Public File Write Attributes
DAh/03hSet Public File Read / Write Attributes
DAh/04hSet Public File Owner Name
DAh/05hSet File Execute-Only ON
DAh/06hSet File Execute-Only OFF
00hGet INT 2Fh installation flag
01hGet TopWare version number
02hGet TopWare version string
23hClose all spool files and signal Printer Server to begin

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .