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Allocation Strategies
Boot Sector
BPB - BIOS Drive Parameter Block
Buffer Layout for DOS2
Buffer Layout for DOS3+
Country Information for DOS2 (Func 38h)
Country Information for DOS3 and DOS4 (Func 38h)
Country Information for DOS5 (Func 38h)
Date Format
dBase Layouts
DCB - System File Table Device Control Block
Device Driver
Device Info Code for Block (File) Devices (Func 44h)
Device Info Code for Character Devices (Func 44h)
Directory Entry
DPB - DOS Drive Parameter Block
DTA - Disk Transfer Area
EXE File Header
FAT - File Allocation Table
FCB - File Control Block
File Access and Sharing Control Byte
File Attributes
Floppy Disk Types
List of Lists
Logical Drive Table
Memory Control Block
Partition Table
PSP - Program Segment Prefix
Time Format

Copyright © 1985 to 2022 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday, January 05, 2022 .