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Overview Recording Procedure
Overview Playback Procedure
Overview Conditional Interrupt Variables
01hSET_CTRL Set the record / play control byte
02hSET_START Set starting seg address for a play/record
03hSET_END Set ending segment address for a record
04hGET_RECORD Get record size
05hSET_PLAY Set size in paragraphs of data to be played
06hRECORD Start recording
07hPLAY Start playing data in memory
08hGET_DTMF Wait for and return a DTMF character
09hRING_CHK Check for ring
0AhRING_WAIT Wait for a number of incoming rings
0BbANSWER Answer the phone
0ChLOCAL_ANSWER Connect to local phone
0DhHANGUP Hangup
0EhFLUSH_DTMF Flush any DTMF characters saved in a record
0FhSPEAKER_ON Speaker on
10hSPEAKER_OFF Speaker off
11hPHONE_CHECK Check if local phone is off-hook
12hGET_ADDR Return base address of board
13hCROSS_COUNT Sample line, ret # zero crossings in 32ms
14hDIAL_TONE_CHK Check for dial tone on the line
15hTONE_DIAL Tone dial a digit
16hPULSE_DIAL Pulse dial a digit
17hFLASH_HOOK Flash hook
18hANSWER_DETECT After dialling, monitor the call
19hALARM_CHECK Check the event circuit condition
1AhSET_BEEP_FREQ Set beep frequency
1BhBEEP Beep
1ChRECORD_BEEP Set record beep mode
1DhRECORD_LINE Set speaker mode during record
1EhWAIT Wait for a number of 1/100ths of a second
1FhSET_SENSITIVE Set answer detection speech sensitivity
20hEND_BEEP Beep at the end of a recording
21hRECORD_NO_CMP Start recording uncompressed
22hPLAY_NO_CMP Start playing uncompressed data in memory
23hDTONE_FREQ Set frequency to ref when checking 4 d/tone
24hRING_LEVEL Set reference level to check for ringing
25hRING_LENGTH Set number of samples to accept as ring
26hRINGOFF Set upper limit silent period between rings
27hRINGON Set lower limit silent period between rings
28hBUSYOFF Set up/limit silent period between busies
29hBUSYON Set low/limit silent periods during busies
2AhDBLRINGOFF Set up/limit silent period bet double rings
2BhSILENCE Set the silence threshold for ANSWER_DETECT
2ChANSWER_DEBUG Determine exit point from ANSWER_DETECT
2DhGET_EQUIP_REG Return equipment register
2EhSET_EQUIP_REG Set equipment register
2FhPARAS_PLAYED Return paragraphs played
30hSEG_RECORDED Return segment at which record was stopped
31hRSILENCE_LIMIT Set seconds silence to terminate recording
32hRSILENCE_LEVEL Set threshold for silence detect during rec
33hSET_FLASH_TIME Set interval of the flash command in ms
34hGET_BOARD_TYPE Return hardware type
35hSET_MICROPHONE Controls setting of Powerline 1 microphone
61hRESET Reset
62hDEBUG_ON Turn trace debugging on
63hDEBUG_OFF Turn trace debugging off

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